Financial Guidance to Build a Growing, Successful Business.

Get a small business CFO to guide you to more profit and more cash flow so you can take more home. All for one flat monthly fee.


Business Supported


Profits Added


Value Added

The Owner’s Trap

Main symptoms:


You are stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted, and feel guilty taking time off, which affects your relationships.


You don’t pay yourself as much as you want to or deserve, which limits your ability to provide for your family.


You don’t build much personal wealth and can’t see how your business will help you reach your financial goals.

Main causes:


Your business is dependent on you


The business isn’t growing fast enough


You are not keeping enough of what you make

More specifically:


You know you should review the numbers more often and use them to make decisions for the business, but you don’t – you don’t know how much you make, spend and keep each month.


You don’t have a simple way of managing the business and knowing what is working and what is not working so you can’t identify any issues or opportunities for growth.


You are an expert in your field, not in understanding the finances or business strategy. As a result, you don’t know how to grow your business and use it as a vehicle to hit your goals.


A simple way to manage your business so you can use it as a vehicle to hit your personal and professional goals.

  • WUnique and affordable service tailored to buinesses generating £1m to £5m annually.
  • WSupport you in building a growing, profitable and successful business.
  • WWork closely with a CFO, meet them regularly and ask them questions


Get on top of your numbers, understand what happened each month and where the business is heading.


Simple systems to understand what is working and what is not working so you can identify potential issues and growth areas.


Stay on track to achieving your goals and have clear, actionable objectives to focus on each month.

How it works

Step 1

Assessment Call

A 15-minute call to work out if we can potentially help you.

Free Financial Assessment

We will have a closer look at your financials and other business metrics, uncover any red flags, and spot any opportunities for growth.

Step 2

Step 3


We will create a tailored proposal structured around helping you hit your goals and overcoming any obstacles you are facing.



Feel less stressed, happier, enjoy running the business again, and can take well-deserved time away from the business.


Pay yourself what you deserve and provide for your family in the way you have always wanted.


Keep more of what you make, build your personal wealth and own a valuable, sellable business.

“Working with Tom has been a game changer – any business owner who is stressed over their numbers and paying themselves the bare minimum every month to should chat to Tom – he makes everything easy to understand and we can now sleep at night knowing we have clarity on our numbers.”

Rhys Ford

“We are on track to increase our profits by 80%+ this year, we can pay ourselves our full desired salaries, my stress levels have dropped significantly and I can sleep at night knowing that my personal finances and business finances are in a comfortable position.”

Sam Parsons

We are able to pay ourselves comfortably every month and we are gradually increasing our pay as we get more familiar with the system. Tom is also helping us increase our profits – we will increase profits this year by at least 50%, likely more like 100% if the trend continues.”



We specialise in helping small business owners have a growing, profitable and successful business.

We know first-hand what it feels like to be overwhelmed, lonely, confused, and frustrated whilst trying to run a business.

But, we also know what it feels like to have a business that’s financially healthy, producing steadily increasing profits and cash, where the owner can take time off, earn real money and enjoy having a business that works for them, instead of toiling away endlessly. We are on a mission to help as many business owners as possible experience that too.

  • Tom Griffiths

Synergy CFO Solutions was founded by Tom Griffiths.

Tom has over 10 years’ experience in finance, having worked in banking and asset management at JPMorgan.

At JPMorgan Tom worked with the largest asset managers, pension funds and insurance companies in the world, advising them on a range of topics, from how to increase returns for investors, to how to cut operational costs. He also created investment products for European investors in the most innovative vehicles and investment types.

Since leaving JPMorgan he has advised small and medium-sized businesses on how to grow and have a successful business.

As well as being a certified CFO, Tom is a CFA Charterholder and holds a degree in Economics and Finance from the University of Manchester.


Get my free training on profit systems

Simple to use and can be implemented immediately

Free 13 week cash flow forecast

Simple to use and can be implemented immediately



Synergy CFO Solutions Limited, Kemp House 160 City Road, London, United Kingdom EC1V 2NX

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